(warning, this entire post will have a spoiler, so I'm advising you to finish the entire series before reading this post)
So... I just got the time to finish the second season of this (supposedly) good k drama.
And now I even login to this site again just to pour my thoughts about this second season of this series, and boy oh boy..
Anw the first part is here
My thoughts on "Duty After School" (a long post)
(this might contain some spoilers so, I advise you to watch the series before reading all of this op)
((tldr: This is All of us are dead, but with aliens instead of zombies. Scores: 9/10))
Honestly, this series reminds me about All of us are dead.
A bunch of highschooler fighting and chased by inhuman things, with a bit of drama of romance and friendship. It just that I will give Duty After School a +5 point more because of the way they justified how the students can fight the monsters.
Starting off with the first episode, I honestly got a little confused since I've forgotten some of the characters
Like who the heck is that girl who holds Captain Lee's dog tag? Where the heck my beloved Wonbin guy, etc.
But thankfully the first few minutes of the drama is really, I said it, really beautiful.
Actually it's more like ironic since they are having fun battling an outer space invaders. But hey, how can one can't find it beautiful to see them having fun after so much things they went through before? (and this will coming in the future)
Fr, it's kinda cool that now they had a better teamwork? Like some of them went as a bait, the Lee Nara is coming back, and the thing that I love the most is the Ilha-Bora duo. Heck they are so cool for shooting while riding that bike.
After that, the story and plot really really good. Rising three conflicts on three separate occasions while they all split up?
High tension here and there but not caused by the monsters?
That was a drama, and I love it.
So far so good, I enjoyed every bit second of it.
Until the last episode...
It's not that I hate it,
But, I think... seeing how the story unfolds so far, it would be much much better if they had the last scene as their ending path.
Why? Because they deserve it. They've gone so much things. Hell even the ep 1-3 is really intense.
Wouldn't it be better if they had some kind of good payoff?
Sometimes, good ending could be.. good right?
(Honestly speaking, the ending that they choose were felt more cliche since nowadays many movies and drama also use bad ending)
But I guess it's all intentional since in the last episode too, we got some heart warming scenes. It's like, the director/author are intentionally made it as a fan service?
(Fr I saw some of this show's fan really digging into their friendship, the thing that makes them survive for that long)
And even tho the near-ending kinda ass, the ending is the one that makes me mad since it really feels empty with a weak closure.
They could've show how is the other survivors do/felt after that incident tho...
But all in all, just like some other series, they show that the threat of humankind is not just the monsters.
Now unto the characters.
Like I said, where the heck is my Wonbin guy? Did I missed something?
Next, I love how some characters had an improvement, mainly No Aesol. That girl can aim now.
The other that I weirdly like is that 24/7 brooding girl. Yep that bounds to happen if you lost someone.
But well, most of the characters didn't had much development tho. And yes, Ilha is still a confusing character. Heck he even could be considered as a good guy in this season? Where is your anger issues, Ilha?
Speaking of confusing, there are some confusing acts too by the characters. Well it might be a "silly" rather than "confusing" and it was the Nara-Bora rivalry. Like... Why? Not complaining, it just funny since it becomes a thing and even giving the series more colors (the other is that love rivalry).
The high tension scene that are played by them is really really good.
Good job Sohee, looks like you'll get another project soon.
On my first post, I say that this series is just an All of us are dead, but better...
Well, I'll give it a rating of 7.5/10 out of courtesy. It could've be 9/10 tho if they choose the other ending.
This makes me wanting to watch AoUaD S2 and see how their story going.